Women, sex and satisfaction are interesting and topical issues.  We can put together an impressive panel that will educate and inspire the audience after viewing ALTERNATE ROUTES.       

        We can also provide your group with a professional Speaker, Teacher, Life Coach, Discussion Leader, Therapist or Seminar on a variety of subjects like sexuality (gay or straight), shame, dealing with divorce, women’s psychology and cultural diversity, spirituality and ritual, addiction, creativity and resources.

 Contact us about the fee which varies based on who, what and where.

 If you would like to moderate a Discussion of your own, we offer the following questions as possibilities for conversation and reflection:

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  • What interests you most about ALTERNATE ROUTES?

  • What are your ideas about community?

  • How do you feel about the way older women are usually portrayed?

  • Do you think there are differences in the way women write about women?  How about in the way women write about men?

  • Why did the women feel “so alone” when they were coming of age?  Does a better support system exist today?  How do we create that for girls?

  • Have things changed for someone who is gay?  Have you ever felt rejected for being who you are?  How does one handle that?

  • What are the effects of childhood success…of being pushed to do too much too soon?

  • Are you aware of women’s spirituality and ritual?  Why does Bennie light candles, burn sage, drum, etc.?

  •  Does gender affect the way we view a work of art?

  •  Why do the women “take a bow” at the end of their journey?

  • What is ALTERNATE ROUTES ultimately about?

  • Is there something that you wish had been explored further?  Why?

  • After seeing the motion picture, what has educated or inspired you?

  We hope this guide is helpful and that you will send us some of your thoughts and/or comments that are shared in your group. 
